Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My prediction for blu-ray and DD

I think blu-ray and Digital Distribution can live hand in hand. Even if they both dominate. How? Blu-ray will the the primary sales of movies and DD will be the primary rental of movies. I think consumers are already pretty okay with having their rentals downloaded. Since you don't own it, I bet consumers don't feel the need to own any physical media. But when you buy a movie, I think that's another story. I'm pretty sure people would prefer a physical form of media whenever they buy a movie.The blu-ray sales market is already pretty large. Last week it took up a pretty good 16% of the DVD market. 24 million sales. I'm guessing by around the end of 2009, it will take up to near 33% of DVD sales and by the end of 2010 it might take the majority of the physical movie sales market. Probably before everyone is renting their movies digitally. My prediction for blu-ray and DD
Reasonable enough. I like the permanence and easy sharability of physical media, and that I can play it in any player in the house without media serving. I've also never had a large enough hard-drive that I can just keep movies. Maybe one day I can just accept a digital copy of something I purchase, but not today.My prediction for blu-ray and DD
Sounds right to me.

When renting I prefer DD actually and used to rent a lot from the Xbox Live Video Marketplace. Since NXE I've switched to instant streaming from Netflix which is awesome.

When buying I still want the physical disc. For one it still seems more permanent than a digital copy. Plus, like Holyknight_CJ said, I don't have the drive space or the desire to have to share it over my network. I'd still rather just pop the disc into the player and go.
The thing about not owning a physical copy, not going to the store to get it, but buying it online, is that all of your information is then online. People's credit card information is stolen online, people can access your account and charge a ton of crap to it. Not everyone likes those possibilities, I sure as heck don't. While I don't think it could happen to me, I'm sure that's what the people that have had that happen to them said.
It takes around 8 hours for downloading HD movie where I live and that is not going to change soon (internet providers fault). It takes around 20 minutes to go to video store and rent bluray movie.So bluray it is
[QUOTE=''Ghost_702'']The thing about not owning a physical copy, not going to the store to get it, but buying it online, is that all of your information is then online. People's credit card information is stolen online, people can access your account and charge a ton of crap to it. Not everyone likes those possibilities, I sure as heck don't. While I don't think it could happen to me, I'm sure that's what the people that have had that happen to them said. [/QUOTE] Yeah I guess that's why Amazon.com had a ''terrible'' holiday.
[QUOTE=''Ghost_702'']The thing about not owning a physical copy, not going to the store to get it, but buying it online, is that all of your information is then online. People's credit card information is stolen online, people can access your account and charge a ton of crap to it. Not everyone likes those possibilities, I sure as heck don't. While I don't think it could happen to me, I'm sure that's what the people that have had that happen to them said. [/QUOTE] thats not really right. in fact buying from amazon is much safer than buying something at a store. with amazon the seller never sees your credit card information, when youre buying at a store they do. I buy from amazon almost everyday and never had any problems. unless youre buying things from weird sites, online is always the safer way to go.
I think DD will gain alot in the next years, right now the biggest problem is to have a fast enought Internet speed
[QUOTE=''Penalty_of_Hero'']I think DD will gain alot in the next years, right now the biggest problem is to have a fast enought Internet speed[/QUOTE] I dont have any issues with internet speeds...my issues is the price of large RELIABLE hd. What happens when my HD fails and i have about 2 TB of info on there. I am sure all these sights would have back up like steam does so i can redownload it...but who wants to deal with that hassle. What is the average life of a HD? 6 or 7 years i guess...Maybe the new steady state drives will have a lot longer life...
Cool, but i don't really care for DD.

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